
Showing posts from April, 2020

Chemical reactions

This weeks STEM challenge is all about chemical reactions: Send a pic to the link when you have completed the challenges


Hi all, I hope that you enjoyed the weekend. Below is a list of work for the week.  Maths Measure-Capacity Keep revising your tables after the break start with 3, 6 and 9 Take out a measuring jug and measure how much water it takes to fill the following: Cup, glass, egg cup, plastic water bottle, saucepan. Pg157 D fill a jug to match the capacity in the question Click here to upload pictures of you measuring? Answer the questions in your maths book on Pg158 B Pg 159 A B and C Pg 160 and B. Use a calculator to correct your maths sums. Click on the following website Start at level 3 and see how far you can progress. English English Reading The Giants Wife Pg 224-233 Complete Questions C and D  on Pg 234(S&S Q&Q) Socrative: Click on the link below: Go to room number 477125 and give the vocab test a go Epic: I have attached some new books to read to your Epic log ins Oral language I...

Steam challenge for the week

Fancy a challenge These chalenges are deisgned to test your science, technology,engineering, art and maths skills.  Give it a go and post your designs on the padlet attcahed below. Get the whole family involved. Video help                                                                Padlet

Work for the week 20-24/4

Hi all, I hope that you enjoyed the Easter holidays, ate enough chocolate, played enough sport and games with your family.  Below is a list of work for the week. Maths: Keep revising your tables after the break start with 2, 4’s and 8’s.Challenge a family member to round the clock. Maths 3D SHAPE-Find out what is a vertex/vertices, edge and a face. Explore the images on 152 and 153 and try to find as many of them in your house as possible. Write a list for each shape that you find and upload the list   to the padlet on the blogspot Padlet Link: Complete Pg 155 from your book into your copy. Try these shape and weight games to help you with learning English Reading Spy Dog animals Pg 212-220 Complete Questions C and D   on Pg 222(S&S Q&Q) Epic: I have attached some new books to read to your Epi...