Work for week 3

Here is a list of work for  this week
I hope that you are all keeping well and finding the work ok. The weather looks like it will be nice so try and get outside helping all those at home as much as you can around the house.
Mental Maths-Try to complete a page a day to ensure you do some maths daily. Revise maths tables with games such as cards, round the clock or online sites
Pages 126, 127, 150 and 151
Reading Super Fast animals Pg 206-209 Complete Questions B on Pg 210
Oral language
Listen to a David Walliams audio book

Eng Writing
Research the animals in the text Super Fast Animals. Create a fact file on each animal using scoilnet brittanica
Eng Spellings
Next weeks spellings
Reading. We have most of the chapters covered so here is a link to a nice site to try their reading.  
Writing Pg 130 and 131

Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Maths (STEAM)
I will upload challenges to the school blog spot that get pupils use a wide variety of skills to solve problems and complete challenges. They can then upload a pic of their finished project on the link attached to the blog post.

Again I wanted to follow up with some online resources that you may find useful at home. I have a list of websites available to all the pupils on my social bookmarking site, .l.  Below I have included below some online resources which I recommend.
Please ask your parents to contact me on my e mail account if you have any further questions.

Hoping you and your family are safe and well,
Danny O Connor

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