
Hi all,

I hope that you enjoyed the weekend.

Below is a list of work for the week.
Keep revising your tables after the break start with 3, 6 and 9

Take out a measuring jug and measure how much water it takes to fill the following:
Cup, glass, egg cup, plastic water bottle, saucepan.
Pg157 D fill a jug to match the capacity in the question
Click here to upload pictures of you measuring?
Answer the questions in your maths book on Pg158 B Pg 159 A B and C Pg 160 and B.
Use a calculator to correct your maths sums.
Click on the following website
https://aplusclick.org/ Start at level 3 and see how far you can progress.

Reading The Giants Wife Pg 224-233 Complete Questions C and D  on Pg 234(S&S Q&Q)

Socrative: Click on the link below:
Go to room number 477125 and give the vocab test a go

Epic: I have attached some new books to read to your Epic log ins
Oral language
Pretend you are working for a tour company and create a 1 minute piece to promote why people should come and visit our beautiful country and landmarks. The following link should help you

Eng Writing
Writing on the genre explanations-  Carry on from last weeks Explanation writing and create second piece.

Use the following image to help you write a piece explaining how something happens: for example, What happens on April Fools Day, rules of a game, how to build something.
Please include paragraphs and try to add as much detail and description as you can.

Watch Cúla4 ar Scoil
Starts Monday 27 April at 10:00 a.m. on TG4
Reread Chp3 and Chp 4 Cartúin and Ca bhfuil Gordó. Do a little drama if you have someone who can play with you at home.

Write a short scéal on Mo Lá. Use the verbs at the back of the book and the abairtí on pg 138/139 to make your story
Here is a link to a nice site for some games in Irish

It is hoped that we would have a fun Friday where we try and stay away from the books and learn through active engagement and fun. This week’s fun Friday idea is to complete as many tasks as possible from the word cloud.
Count out how many of the ideas you can complete in a day.

Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Maths (STEAM)
I will upload challenges to the school blog and the Seesaw account that get pupils use a wide variety of skills to solve problems and complete challenges. They can then upload a pic of their finished project on the link attached to the blog post or Seesaw if they want.

Tell your parents to e mail at dannyoc@stoliverplunkettns.com if you have any questions or want to send on any examples of your work.

I hope that you enjoyed the fine weather over the weekend,

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