Work for the week 20-24/4

Hi all,
I hope that you enjoyed the Easter holidays, ate enough chocolate, played enough sport and games with your family.  Below is a list of work for the week.


Keep revising your tables after the break start with 2, 4’s and 8’s.Challenge a family member to round the clock.
Maths 3D SHAPE-Find out what is a vertex/vertices, edge and a face. Explore the images on 152 and 153 and try to find as many of them in your house as possible. Write a list for each shape that you find and upload the list  to the padlet on the blogspot
Complete Pg 155 from your book into your copy.
Try these shape and weight games to help you with learning
Reading Spy Dog animals Pg 212-220 Complete Questions C and D  on Pg 222(S&S Q&Q)

Epic: I have attached some new books to read to your Epic log ins
Oral language
Children can devise a list of questions for a member of their family / wider family circle. For example, with grandparents / aunties / uncles they could explore aspects of the past (school life / pastimes / festivals and traditions around Easter etc.). This can link nicely with the “Then and Now” strand of the History curriculum.
If possible, where children can communicate with grandparents via phone / facetime / skype this is a good way of keeping contact during this period where circumstances dictate that they must not visit older relatives.

Eng Writing
Writing on the genre explanations-
Use the following image to help you write a piece explaining how something happens: for example, What happens on April Fools Day, rules of a game, how to build something.
Please include paragraphs and try to add as much detail and description as you can.

Eng Spellings
Next week’s spellings
Watch Cúla4 ar Scoil
Starts Monday 20 April at 10:00 a.m. on TG4
TG4 is delighted to announce that a new programme, Cúla4 ar Scoil will commence on Monday 20 April 2020, broadcasting on weekdays at 10a.m. All schools are currently closed under Covid-19 restrictions. This programme will cater for primary school children who attend Gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht schools, in the event of an extension to public health measures which may mean that schools remain closed for a further period.
Reread Chp1 and Chp2 Dia Duit and Brioscaí. Do a little drama if you have someone who can play with you at home.

Write a short scéal on Mé Féin. The story on Chp 1 will help you to complete this as well as sheets I have given you previously
Here is a link to a nice site for some added reading.  
Writing Pg 130 and 131

Just a reminder RTE Home School Hub is taking place daily at 11am.

The link below is a comprehensive list of further activities which you can get pupils to complete at home

Lots of trees and plants are budding at the moment. Take a picture and find the name of the plant on the website below if you need to. Then upload it to the padlet which is on the 3rd class blogspot.

Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Maths (STEAM)
I will upload challenges to the school blog spot that get pupils use a wide variety of skills to solve problems and complete challenges. They can then upload a picture of their finished project on the link attached to the blog post.

Once again feel free to ask your parents to contact me by e mail if you have any questions.  The address is
Have a great week,
Danny O Connor

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