Work for 5/5

Hi all,

I had some exciting news during the week that I want to share with you. 
This is Daniel O Connor, born Wednesday night and he came home on Friday.
He and his mom are doing great.

I might be a busier at home but I love hearing from you so make sure to get in contact if you want. I sent out the links for Seesaw to your parents last week if you want i set up an online journal with their permission.

Below is a list of work for the week of the 4th of May. Remember that Monday is a Bank holiday so make sure to take a well deserved break.

Further to Ms. Murphy’s e mail we hope to have fun Friday where we try and stay away from the books and learn through active engagement and fun. This week’s fun Friday idea is to be creative try some of the activities listed on the link below which we received from the creative schools.    
Keep revising your tables, Work  on the 7 times tables in particular
Try the following activities:
Close your eyes, start a stopwatch and try and stop it again after a minute.
Estimate how many of these activities you can do in a minute and then count it
Sit up, skipping, jumping jacks, striking a ball off a wall,

Complete Pg 163 B and C
Pg 164 and 165
Click on the following website and try the games

Reading Famous Irish Landmarks Pg 234 Complete Questions B on Pg 240

Epic: I have attached some new books to read to your Epic log ins
Oral language
Click on the link to learn the stages in sending a letter and present this information to your family

Eng Writing
Write a letter:
Carry on from the work that we completed earlier in the year and write a letter to a friend from school who you miss or a relative who would love to get mail from you.
Look at the pic attached to help revise how to write a letter and envelope

Reread Chp5 and Chp 6 Rossa bocht and Oíche Shamhna. Do a little drama if you have someone who can play with you at home.

Write a short scéal on mo scoil

Here is a link to a nice site for some games in Irish

Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Maths (STEAM)
I will upload challenges to the school blog and the Seesaw account that get pupils use a wide variety of skills to solve problems and complete challenges. They can then upload a pic of their finished project on the link attached to the blog post or Seesaw if they want.

Learn how Medieval wars were fought and won with the use of clever engineering techniques!

Today, you will build a Medieval siege weapon called a trebuchet. A trebuchet works differently to a catapult. It relies on gravitational potential energy—the type of energy you get by raising something up off the ground. A trebuchet has a lever arm with a large, heavy counterweight on one end and a smaller projectile on the other end. When the counterweight is raised up, it has lots of gravitational potential energy. Then the counterweight is allowed to fall, rotating the lever arm and converting that potential into kinetic energy in the projectile, which is flung through the air.

You can learn about the history of the trebuchet by watching the short video here:

If you have any questions once again feel free to contact me on my e mail address
Hope that you and your family are all keeping well,

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