3rd Class Work













Bun go Barr 3

Read p74

Do B 1-4 on p75

Bun go Barr 3

Read p74

Do B 5-8 on p75

Bun go Barr 3

Do C 1-6 on p75

Bun go Barr 3

Do D 1-6 on p76


Read Bun go Barr 3 p74

Record yourself reading on Seesaw and post it to your account.  If your first name begins with C post on Monday, D post on Tuesday, E and M post on Wednesday and S and T post on Thursday.

If you prefer to read at home and not online that’s fine.





Log into Spellings for Me and start doing the yellow tests. One test per day should be enough. When you get the red message you can move onto the blue tests.



This week we will be working on Persuasive Writing. This is when we try to persuade someone to agree with us by giving reasons and examples. I will be posting activities on Seesaw each day.





Planet Maths 3

P87 Do A 2, 3 and B

Use the 100 squares on Seesaw to do A

Learn 8x tables

Planet Maths 3

P88 Do A and C


Planet Maths 3

P89 Do B and D

Multiplication worksheet on Seesaw







Make a windmill.

The template should be in your box. Instructions on Seesaw


Geography All Around Me p40


Activity on Seesaw

Listening and Responding

Activity on Seesaw


This week you can finish your project. Research the habitat where your animal/bird/fish/ reptile or insect lives. Draw a picture and write the name. Then write in any interesting information that you have discovered while doing your research.



Catholic Schools Week

This week is Catholic Schools Week and during the week I will be posting some activities for you to do.


If you have any trouble logging in you can get in touch through Seesaw or through my email:


·         Mrs O’Neill’s group can do half of the written work if they wish.

·         If anyone would like extra work just get in touch through the email above.

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