3rd Class Work


3rd Class Work for Week beginning 1st February 2021








Bun go Barr 3
Do E 1-6 on p76


Bun go Barr 3
Do F and G

1-6 on p77

Bun go Barr 3
Do F and H

1-6 on p77

Bun go Barr 3
Do A 1-8  on p78


This week I will send you your Learning Words and you can start working on your Spellings for Me book. You can continue doing some practice on the Blue Tests.


Spellings for Me: Three Methods (sentences p46) and Activity 1: Syllables

Spellings for Me: Three Methods (sentences p46,47) and Activity 2: Make your own Spelling Game

Spellings for Me: Three Methods (sentences p47) and Activity 3: Scrabble Board

Spellings for Me: Three Methods (sentences p47) and Activity 4: Letter Strings

Read Get Set Her Mother’s Face p78-85

Record yourself reading two pages on Seesaw and post it to your account. If your first name begins with C post on Monday, D post on Tuesday, E and M post on Wednesday and S and T post on Thursday.

If you prefer to read at home and not online that’s fine.


Planet Maths 3
P90 Do B and D

Planet Maths 3
P91 Do C and D

Planet Maths 3
P92 Do A

Planet Maths 3

Do B







St Brigid’s Cloak

Activity on Seesaw

History All Around Me

Life in the Castle p48


Activity on Seesaw

Activity on Seesaw

30 Day Challenge

30 day Positivity Challenge for Kids (on Seesaw)

Choose 1 activity to do each day. You can start anywhere and do them in any order you like. Cross each one off as you do it.


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