Hi all,
I hope that you are all keeping safe and well. Thank
you for all your hard work since March 15thand your enthusiasm for
distance learning. You are all doing an amazing job. Seesaw seems to be working
very well and I’m delighted to see all the work you have been doing at home!
Keep sending it in.
Below is a list of work for the week of the 18th of
Fun Friday
Fittest family member
This week’s fun Friday idea is to create an assault
course for you and your family in your garden. Try to use some of the ideas you
may have seen in ‘Irelands Fittest Family’ as well as the equipment in your
garden. Set up the course and time the participants, below are a few ideas for
tasks to complete
Hang time-How long can they hang off a clothes line?
Set up a running route and time your family
Set up teams and have wheelbarrow races
How many skips in a minute
Target practice-Hit a target with a ball, sliotar or
Can you challenge them with balance activities
Again, these are just ideas and you will have to
customise your own trials to your setting. Have fun but don’t work them too
Keep revising your tables, use the link below
This week we are going to focus on mental maths. This
will help to revise all topics covered throughout the year. Use the Read
Underline Draw Estimate method to help solve the problems
Complete pg 172 and 173.
English Reading
This week’s work involves researching a person who has made a major difference to our world. Go to https://www.scoilnet.ie/
scroll down to Britannica
NB You have top access this site through scoilnet
or else they will ask for a log in details as they may think you are not using
it for educational purposes.
Epic: I have attached some new books to read to your Epic log
Oral language
Present the information you have researched to a family member
for 1 minute and explain why you choose them.
Eng Writing
Create a biography on your chosen character using the planning
sheet below
Reread Chp11 and Chp 12 Ag scátáil sa phairc agus Subh. Do a
little drama if you have someone who can play with you at home.
Click on Seesaw to hear readings from the piece.
Write a few lines on Caitheamh Aimsire. Use the images below
from the game we played in school to help you. Check out the videos I’ll upload
to see saw for help.
Click on the E leathanach’s in the link below to read some
Irish. They are tricky so you’ll need some help form an older sibling or
Click on to the socrative link to revise your verbs and see
how many you know. The room code is 477125
Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Maths (STEAM)
I will upload challenges to the school blog and the Seesaw account that get pupils use a wide variety of skills to solve problems and complete challenges. They can then upload a pic of their finished project on to
Seesaw if they want.For this challenge you will need a tray of jelly, the
wobblier the better! The jelly will be your "shake table", which acts
like an earthquake. You will use it to test different structures to see if they
can withstand the forces of an earthquake! Try it out!
Stay happy, stay healthy and stay at home! 🙂
If you have any questions feel free to contact me on
my e mail address
Once again I hope that you and your family are all keeping